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I'm from Houston, a graduate of the University of Texas, a fan of the Houston Astros and Houston Texans. But this blog will be about the "greater sports", whatever that means.

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Monday, August 26, 2019

Sportsman of the Week Ending 8/25/2019

The baseball pennant race is heating up, and a new team is starting to look like a favorite.  Or at least a team that will be a tough out.  The Washington Nationals have been surging and find themselves with the third best record in the National League, good for the top Wild Card.  Led by Anthony Rendon, the Nationals offense hasn't missed a beat since the departure of free agent Bryce Harper.  The Nationals went 6-1 over the week all in road games, with Rendon notching a hit in all 7 games, going 14-29, with 2 HR, 6 R, and 7 RBI.  He suddenly finds himself in contention for a batting title and a 12 game hitting streak.  The Nationals let Harper walk away.  They may want to think about keeping the free agent to be Rendon in house.  But will it be after a deep playoff run?  Time will tell.  But Rendon will continue to be a tough out, and is the Longhorndave Sportsman of the Week!

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