Who am I?

I'm from Houston, a graduate of the University of Texas, a fan of the Houston Astros and Houston Texans. But this blog will be about the "greater sports", whatever that means.

Follow me on Twitter: @lhd_on_sports


LHD_PotW (659) MLB (191) NFL (170) NCAA (131) NFL Playoffs (75) NBA (70) NHL (65)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Watching sports, a personal take

I thought I'd give my blog followers a basic layout of which sports I watch/follow vs. those I could live the rest of my life never seeing again.

Sports I'll watch even if I know no players and/or have no rooting interest in the teams
College Football
World Cup Soccer
Horse Racing

Sports I enjoy watching if I know the players and/or have a rooting interest in the teams
NCAA Baseball
Curling (Women)
Track and Field

Sports I follow but don't usually watch even if I have a favorite team, but might watch
NCAA Basketball (Men)
NCAA Softball
Olympics (general once per olympiad sports)
NCAA Volleyball (Women)

Sports I really don't watch nor have a favorite team, but at least read headlines
NCAA Basketball (Women)
NCAA Hockey

Sports that if they ended tomorrow I might not notice
Other Motor Sports
Curling (Men)

The above are in no particular order other than how I remembered them.

As for "likes", I will watch Akron play Eastern Michigan on a Tuesday night if ESPN puts the game on TV. I will tune into a PGA event on Sunday, even if Tiger isn't playing. I will watch the Arkansas Derby or Santa Anita Stakes even if I haven't heard of the horses. And I can't wait for the World Cup.

But you're probably not going to get much insight into the latest bowling matches, who is favored to win the NCAA lacrosse title, or the UFC 100-and-whatever. I have no idea who is leading the Indy Racing League and despite liking women's curling, just can't stand to watch guys play.

In recent years, basketball has ticked down a spot or two, I've been frustrated at the lack of continuity on the college game due to early draft entry, and the NBA is too much about the officials calls. Boxing has also tanked lately, I used to watch/order all the fights, now it's too expensive and not enough marquee names.

NHL is almost in the top group, definitely is for the playoffs but don't plop down and watch enough of the regular season to compare it to the top line sports, where I'll watch any NFL or MLB game on TV when given the chance.

This is just another primer in a series of a few before I start rolling out the deep thoughts, stay tuned!


  1. Yo! you moderate your comments? I promise, I won't curse.

  2. Hmm... Maybe not, but my previous comment (about how awesome you are) never showed up. Ahhh well, my compliments were lost forever. :)

  3. Wow, got discovered. I'm figuring out how to roll this out, in the meantime wanted to capture some "intro" stuff that I had in mind anyway.

    Yeah, I don't think I am moderating. Also not getting emails when people comment on blogs apparently!

  4. I have a Google Alert set up for when "The Ferm" gets mentioned on the internet. An alert popped up because you have a link on your site.

    BTW, at the bottom of the "Comments" tab in the Blogger settings for your blog you'll see a spot for "Comment Notification Email."
